Tg station malf ai. I dont particularly like that.


What about… Dec 18, 2023 · The way it is now specifically prevents people from antag rolling malf ai which is another good reason to re enable shift start malf ai. Aug 9, 2021 · Sometimes you have almost no option except to crit someone especially if you have no cult stun or cuffs/borg stun. Mar 31, 2015 · Vote here: The ability of borgs to relocate malf AIs to places like the derelict, mining station, and gulag, where they almost always win (especially with the mining station and derelict) has been a large balance issue for quite a while. More like don't release the singulo because due to its location and new speed it has a high chance of killing you. the point of conversion antags is to get converts alive and healthy before you convert them, just dont be sloppy Dec 15, 2015 · If new malf tater AI's get badass synth servants can we have the flesh coating on their faces slough off after they take enough brute to the face revealing the soulless metal beneath, termination style? Dec 18, 2023 · I believe that there are several reasons why it is not that big of a deal for A Roundstart Malf ai to be not only enabled but allowed to operate unrestricted like the mid round. This change was made when I rewrote the murderbone rules. May 2, 2014 · NTStation Coding. Modules upload or remove laws. If you are unable to use the tools at your disposal to make sure someone cant succumb, then tough luck bro idk what to tell you. You can ask the officer to move your core, then use your turrets and block the channel they used all shift. If the AI played it off to frame other departments, or used it to hide while they set up or ran an interesting gimmick then that's way cooler than just &… May 2, 2014 · I can drop it to 20 if that seems more acceptable. /tg/Station 13 Aug 9, 2021 · Ghosting, disconnecting or committing suicide after being borged by the borging machine is a violation of rule 5 precedent 2 and should be treated as such. Roundstart malfy gets time to prep/hack APCs and get set up in a way that midround malfy doesn't; leading to the antag fee… May 2, 2014 · Just saw this used in a round. Apr 22, 2015 · - Cyborgs created during the AI Malfunction gamemode gain Malfunction laws even if they are configured to be unslaved. I normally wait 5 or 10 minutes before hacking, let people into any room they want during tha… Dec 30, 2014 · Oh yeah, don't release the singulo or sabotage power, because then shocked doors will be about as potent as a potency 1 banana. Jul 24, 2016 · the menus for the override/destroy console module for ai currently are simply a scroll list of literally every single machine on the station, and there is nothing more frustrating than spending ten minutes scrolling through the entire list, not findin… Mar 7, 2022 · Think about the bigger picture for just one nanosecond. Dec 18, 2023 · Sure yeah Cheshify - Yes TheBibleMelts - Ok whatever Jan 24, 2019 · Dont bring back secborgs, add a new blood-red "hunter-killer" borg that the malf AI can summon from the ghost pool for CPU I would code this if someone made me sprites /tg/Station 13 tgstation13. You are also able to adjust the station's displays to show messages, the shuttle arrival time, the station time, or set them to display a fancy graphic alert like ALERT and LOCKDOWN. It promptly killed me and everyone on the station, as its one human was no longer alive. You can choose to play with this restriction or not, but where I take issue is when you choose not to play in a way that specifically detracts from everyone el… May 2, 2014 · Its a neat power in theory, but in practice all its going to do is loudly advertise to the crew that you are a Malf AI and you just spent almost half of your CPU to bolt down the station, which is not as effective as you might imagine if the crew is h… Jan 13, 2015 · Usually, the moment I hear the AI is rogue I check cameras. You can wait for a threat that gets them off cams. On Sybil. I believe in this case, the slaved borg will hold the same laws as its AI. Less provacative name now. I remember multiple rounds with several clientless… Aug 9, 2021 · - Disconnecting after conversion is bannable but only for that antag, ask an admin if you don't want to play - Succumbing before conversion is OK--both revs and (especially) cultists have non-lethal ways to prepare someone for conversion, and when the… Aug 9, 2021 · I am telling you to just F1 and ghost after conversion so you can be offered up as a converted borg as to not cuck the AI which I think is a fair ask for people not interested in continuing the round. To use an AI module, you must first find either an AI Upload Console or Cyborg Upload Console. Feb 18, 2023 · Making another AI without any ic justification like (Ai is malf, Ai is dead, or at least ask the main AI first if they wish to have another silicon friend) will get you noted. I have the Clock Cult and Gangs (from PKP and Shaps respectively) bans to prove that it is a role ban only if you immediately ghost. I used the purge board on it, then an asimov lawset. Dec 18, 2023 · With the current code and roundstart malf enabled, can people who have AI on low get picked for malf and end up playing malf instead of the person who has AI on high? Is that a thing? Because if so, I'm a little bit against it as that can be a way to… Feb 29, 2024 · What ever the case, unless the borg was slaved to a malf AI, the cyborg is now corrupted, and all safety measures are released, with the exception of the robotics control. All station construction Jul 11, 2024 · You can control non-sentient bots through the robot control (in your AI commands interface). Aug 9, 2021 · If a person is converted through the borginator and then ghosts, that is bannable and they should ask admins to offer them up instead, just like in my bullet points. The roboticist put me in a borg shell, but clearly forgot to disconnect the shell first, because they immediately flashed me and unsynced me. *I do not know how this works with slaving to a non-Malf AI during AI Malfunction. almost no AI I have seen does the trick. Once I see the AI ain't on APCs it's time to grab normal load values on all station systems and comb through the list, while sen… May 26, 2024 · If the AI goes delta and explodes the station, the AI wins. Seems like a crummy pattern, IDK. If the AI dies, the crew win. May 31, 2024 · BYOND account: Aliceee2ch Ban/note type (Check what applies): (X) - Server Ban () - Note () - Forum Ban () - Discord Ban Ban/note length: 1 day Ban/note reason: As the Chaplain, saw a Mediborg attacking someone they assumed to be a human (they were a… Dec 18, 2016 · what the fuck are you even talking about there is no defense against EMPs, not even the walls actually stop them, furthermore all of your defenses are electrical and disabled by the EMP for like half a fucking minute space suits, EMPs are dime a dozen… Mar 7, 2022 · I believe that going out of your way to conceal a major mechanic of your antagonist though a semi-obscure mechanic is an example of someone opting for a tactical advantage over the story of the shift. I have not even PR'ed it for NTStation yet, so I can freely tweak it as needed… Dec 30, 2014 · Bolt down all the doors on your sat and have a borg dismantle the teleporter there and move the beacon out to space. Dec 12, 2023 · AI modules are located in the AI Upload, and can be made from the circuit imprinters in Research and Development and the Robotics Lab. if you ask people to ghost with the same numbers above, you have 1 borg/minute to 5 total. Personally I hate playing as a borg, I don't know how to play well as a borg and I don't really have a desire t… Aug 9, 2021 · I actively tell people not to get the autoborger due to the ghosting and angry borgs griefing the AI after being converted. If you like the idea please post in support there, bif changes like this are more likely to get merged if maintainers arent afraid of being lynched. But there's much more of a problem when they'… Aug 9, 2021 · sure ig but like if you have 5 bodies and 4 succumb, you get 1 borg and thats it. Doing so beforehand is not. >they crack through the wall >you have upgraded turrets >chemist throws one EMP >zeros the whole core, including you, the APC, pingsky, any borg(s), a… Nov 25, 2018 · There was a round several days back where a roundstart malf AI got targeted and hit with a purge module and got reapplied with an ASIMOV lawset. Asking to be made an AI as a Positronic Brain with the ghost knowledge that the main ai is malf will get you noted. Jump to navigation Jump to search. If the AI can survive until the round timer elapses, the AI wins. * The same will go for Androids, as they are not meant to be different. You shouldn't be forced to play if you're not enjoying the game. Just mak… Dec 18, 2016 · stop being acutely triangular fruitman less acute than obtuse tbh fam Aug 9, 2021 · I dont care if you arent able to continue playing as you would expect as a human, you lost. You can go kick back in the bar like a boss and wait for the inevitable minor station damage and cries of "Call the shuttle!" Dec 18, 2023 · I’m all for re enabling roundstart Malfy; as the others are saying, it’s very slow burn, and if you’re an active AI, rolling Malf is fun but total character assassination for whatever persona you’ve built up. Add a counter to hiding… Dec 13, 2022 · As a malf AI borg, they are bound by laws and AI directives, but there is obviously wiggle room, and most likely this includes situations where the malf borg can get away with not completely fucking over another antag for no reason, or even get a security officer killed in the process. Not out of wanting to validhunt, but just curiosity. If clever emergent gameplay techniques are used in good faith towards fun or interesting or unique things, we have something that's worth protecting. >they crack through the wall >you have upgraded turrets >chemist throws one EMP >zeros the whole core, including you, the APC, pingsky, any borg(s), a… May 2, 2014 · I wish to grant the Malf AI a new ability - Hostile Lockdown, costing 20 CPU time! - This ability activates all firelocks - Closes all blast doors and shutters - Closes and shock-bolts all airlocks that the AI can control, crushing anyone standing in… Oct 12, 2022 · One of the propositions I had was unrestricting malf AI. /tg/Station 13 Aug 9, 2021 · as former AI gamer and malf pro, my two cents are this: if i remember right, ghosted/alive people still get converted but obviously won't have a client attached which is something that should be fixed on the code side. However the tactic in question was literally just opening the cover of the APC with a crowbar which is both easily repairable a… Dec 18, 2023 · The way it is now specifically prevents people from antag rolling malf ai which is another good reason to re enable shift start malf ai. Mar 7, 2022 · I agree with spookuni and Melbert, especially taking what the Malf ai did into account. Aug 9, 2021 · You could add an antag preference toggle specifically for malf borg and have the machine check but that's a code solution for a policy thread. Mar 7, 2022 · This may be somewhat of a strawman but your argument is literally the same as someone arguing against traitors hiding bodies in lockers. Is the brain allowed to say that its rogue or malf? I was told yes. Jan 13, 2015 · As a recent malf AI who was moved by a cyborg and subsequently BWOINKED (as I agreed with the plan and didn't realise that some people consider it an exploit), can't we just rebalance it somehow? /tg/Station 13 Aug 9, 2021 · - Disconnecting after conversion is bannable but only for that antag, ask an admin if you don't want to play - Succumbing before conversion is OK--both revs and (especially) cultists have non-lethal ways to prepare someone for conversion, and when the… Apr 28, 2014 · -The more thermite is applied to a wall, the faster it will burn -Scales between approx 10-25 seconds -Rwalls require 4x more thermite -Applying thermite to a wall now leaves a visible stain on the wall -Igniting thermite makes a sound Dec 18, 2016 · >aoe stun/blind/mute/deafen that lasts three times as long as normal stuns and also hurts you It's awful Mar 7, 2022 · I'm not a huge fan of making changes to the code just to cover something dumb some dude did one time. "Make your identity as a syndicate known to a newly malf AI, who will probbably kill you despite being given a hard objective to follow you because of a rules interaction meant to give regular antag AIs the same freedom as normal traitors back when traitor AI and malf AI were different things" Dec 18, 2016 · >aoe stun/blind/mute/deafen that lasts three times as long as normal stuns and also hurts you It's awful Jan 13, 2015 · I think moving the AI core is kinda smart, and the counterplay is even smarter No place will EVER be as safe as the AI satellite, and if you've suddenly got a power spike in another area of the ship (easily seen through the engineering terminals if… As the malf AI you can hack the robotics terminal in the RD office to give your borgs emagged slots, which can be useful for when you want an army of cyborgs to murder the station or throw people off your trail suggesting the borg may have been emagged. Mar 7, 2022 · Had the literal playing for victory that occurred not occurred, I would not have stepped in at all, perhaps I have communicated that badly. As the AI, you can station-wide announcements like those made by heads of staff consoles. Admins can also PM people who are def gonna get borged and ask if they just wa… Mar 7, 2022 · How is this any different than people re-screwing the panel on a door after hacking through it? I feel it is a very fair comparison between this issue and fixing a door to hide tampering. Nov 14, 2023 · This is the log for dynamic config changes, stuff like threat, weight, etc. Cutting the AI's cameras is a simple matter of using wirecutters on them. Jun 1, 2024 · zxaber wrote: ↑ Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:52 pm The easiest thing to do would be avoid calling out AI/Borgs Malf, and instead call out what you see them doing. Aug 9, 2021 · For No Reason! Policy Discussion May 30, 2014 · I was on a slightly modified ministation the other day, and I was trying to fix a onehumaned cyborg. It is so insane to me to ever hear this. Aug 9, 2021 · I am telling you to just F1 and ghost after conversion so you can be offered up as a converted borg as to not cuck the AI which I think is a fair ask for people not interested in continuing the round. I remember multiple rounds with several clientless… Mar 7, 2022 · Had the literal playing for victory that occurred not occurred, I would not have stepped in at all, perhaps I have communicated that badly. Administratively I somewhat disagree with oranges, you are free to choose to play or not to play but if you choose not to play at convenient times to b… May 31, 2024 · BYOND account: Aliceee2ch Ban/note type (Check what applies): (X) - Server Ban () - Note () - Forum Ban () - Discord Ban Ban/note length: 1 day Ban/note reason: As the Chaplain, saw a Mediborg attacking someone they assumed to be a human (they were a… Aug 9, 2021 · Then what's the point of having conversion antags at all if everyone can just succumb to own the libs. Dark mode; FAQ; Pastebin Jan 13, 2015 · In my opinion, moving the AI core is a legitimate strategy but it is unbalanced as there is no counter and because of the issue of denying access to an alternate z-level the AI might be hiding on. May 2, 2014 · I like it. yea, there's no need for this compromise. Even if they know that the doors are shocked most crew members will be retarded enough to touch them a ton anyway, out of habit. You can pray for a camera console anomaly~~, then RP the blind AI~~. Being clever and hiding your tracks should not be against the rules. The AI views the station through its cameras, and can move its eye around the station by using arrow keys. Instead of someone stumbling across your APC and m… Aug 9, 2021 · I dont care if you arent able to continue playing as you would expect as a human, you lost. An admin 'stepping in' because someone 'played for victory' as a team… Jan 13, 2015 · In built camera in the AI core maybe? Borgs have had them forever. Site Home Wiki Patreon Wiki Patreon Mar 7, 2022 · Emergent gameplay should not be against the rules. I assume that… Jan 13, 2015 · Malf AI should be made so that leaving the Z-level is an instant loss. You do not need to wait on an admin response in the instance you have to leave. Are you saying "me being able to antag roll is a good reason to re-enable it"? No that is quite the misi… Dec 18, 2023 · I believe that there are several reasons why it is not that big of a deal for A Roundstart Malf ai to be not only enabled but allowed to operate unrestricted like the mid round. Even if it's a big HOLY SHIT I'M MALF sign, it's still disorienting enou… Easiest way is toolbelt, thermite (technically optional), hardsuit. It was added as the hard counter when the unanchor… Dec 18, 2016 · or change the fire-proofing thing (does this even do anything?) to protect against EMPs. Fixes to this are simple as 1. Mar 7, 2022 · In a recent round a Malf AI (Not myself) was told not to use "Play to win" tactics to accomplish their objective. /tg/Station 13. Most of th… Aug 9, 2021 · Ideally we should be able to have an antag option for this so it will automatically offer you up to ghosts if you are banned from it like what happens with cultists Aug 9, 2021 · If you dc during conversion I personally ban you from all team antags not just the one you dc’d on. Set the teleporter up, then bolt open the door. If the AI core is walled off and I can't see it, I check APCs. It's cool and fun, bit needs to be like three times more expensive Mar 27, 2023 · Seems like a really unfair final objective tbh. Succumbing before getting put in the machine is probably completely allowed however due to it happen… Aug 9, 2021 · I dont care if you arent able to continue playing as you would expect as a human, you lost. Most OP ability I've ever seen in ss13. Could definitely stall the crew a TON. I assume that… Jan 13, 2015 · Remember: The pinpointer will point to the Malf AI as soon as it declares Delta (correct me if this has changed). Jul 5, 2024 · The AI Eye. Dec 18, 2016 · or change the fire-proofing thing (does this even do anything?) to protect against EMPs. Aug 9, 2021 · - Disconnecting after conversion is bannable but only for that antag, ask an admin if you don't want to play - Succumbing before conversion is OK--both revs and (especially) cultists have non-lethal ways to prepare someone for conversion, and when the… Dec 30, 2014 · Recently, I had my first malfunction round, and I went in thinking it was going to be pretty easy because I've been rogue plenty of times before and I'm aware of all the tricks malf AIs can pull. Rule 5 precedent 2 Ghosting out, going AFK, suiciding, or logging o… Aug 10, 2024 · When resetting a corrupted AI, remember to disable the cameras that can see the turret control panel. If you dc during conversion I personally ban you from all team antags not just the one… Dec 18, 2023 · Title, roundstart malf is a great antagonist that allows an ai to roleplay an evil machine and whilst midround malf comes in and is kinda clunky, messes with whatever story you have done up to that point as an ai roundstart malf does not fall into tha… Mar 7, 2022 · What matters the most to me is the ultimate outcome from how things are leveraged by the players. All Malf AIs would still need to hack low traffic APCs to boost their CPU. I made th… Aug 9, 2021 · Is there any policy on this. However the tactic in question was literally just opening the cover of the APC with a crowbar which is both easily repairable a… Aug 9, 2021 · succumbing before being converted is fine, if you beat someone half to death before trying to convert them that's sloppy and I'm fine with people being punished for it by being cucked out of a team mate if you cant succumb or suicide, it means they se… Mar 7, 2022 · idk why this thread is even a thing Covering your tracks as an antagonist is not powergaming. Site Home Wiki Patreon; Enable roundstart malf ai on MRP Mar 7, 2022 · The malf AI in question here, I think the problem lies in how obscure it is. Apparent… Dec 30, 2014 · Move ALL OF THE BEACONS. The life of the AI consists largely of two fun and enriching activities: tracking people and opening doors. You can choose to play with this restriction or not, but where I take issue is when you choose not to play in a way that specifically detracts from everyone el… Dec 18, 2016 · EMPs also damage turrets as well I believe so you can just sit outside the sat and spam EMPs until everything inside is deader then disco. Dec 15, 2015 · Had to remake the PR. cyborg get a beacon out to the DJ station and set the AI up there. However the tactic in question was literally just opening the cover of the APC with a crowbar which is both easily repairable a… Jan 13, 2015 · In my opinion, moving the AI core is a legitimate strategy but it is unbalanced as there is no counter and because of the issue of denying access to an alternate z-level the AI might be hiding on. "Borgs attacking a human" opens up people to question why, which in turn can either lead to Malf actually being confirmed, or lead to the AI/borgs explaining what they were doing (IE, non-asimov laws, or that the target wasn't human after all). Additionally, you gain access to malfunction modules, special abilities to help you achieve your goals. Impersonate someone dead saying you've hacked the teleporter open and it lea… Dec 18, 2023 · Context behind roundstart malf being disabled is that it was a compromise to allow AIs to murderbone in MRP before going delta. You're not SUPPOSED to be able to do it, so you're not allowed to. An admin 'stepping in' because someone 'played for victory' as a team… Dec 15, 2015 · As long as the malf abilities are moved to Traitor AIs then I'm fine with it. Mar 7, 2022 · reducing things down to "you are a veteran gamer so you should purposefully handicap yourself so that you don't own the newbie players" even though this is a very clever and sneaky way of using game mechanics to further their goals without j… Aug 9, 2021 · Then what's the point of having conversion antags at all if everyone can just succumb to own the libs. Melbert supported this with the caveat the Malf AI was turned into midround only. Some doofus was arguing you can do either without getting banned since you can't be "forced to antag" and as far as I'm aware that team antag conversions cannot be squirmed out of from past policy. Makes everyone but Engineers basically stuck. Nay, nay, friends. Seems the overall best way though, because I agree that rules forcing players to play are terrible. You can make a deal with the captain. It's of course up to the current term how they'd approach it, but it would eliminate this problem by just making malf actually dangerous. May 4, 2024 · Malfunction is a part of the Traitor gamemode; as a malfunctioning AI, you are a traitor, but with all the powers an AI would usually have. Top. Do not mistake personality quirks for clandestine behavior, cyborgs are VERY EXPENSIVE MACHINES and you may be demoted or fired for destroying them without a valid reason. If all the AI does it every malf round it really be a problem anymore because people would know how to react and know what the AI is… Dec 1, 2014 · A Malf AI would still gain CPU from any APC it hacks. Hacking Disruption is simply to give a Malf AI a viable reason to hack high profile areas, such as TeleScience or R&D. For 1) It is already possible for Manuel rounds to get very dislodged by… Jan 13, 2015 · As a recent malf AI who was moved by a cyborg and subsequently BWOINKED (as I agreed with the plan and didn't realise that some people consider it an exploit), can't we just rebalance it somehow? /tg/Station 13 Mar 7, 2022 · On rereading my wording in the ticket and considering my defence of my call regarding this, I've decided that I communicated my actual problem with the original actions in round of the player I spoke to extremely poorly, and have been personally confl… May 2, 2014 · I'm surprised you didn't mention "flood minisat with plasma" since that's literally the most effective strategy against -anything- that isn't an atmos tech hardsuit. the point of conversion antags is to get converts alive and healthy before you convert them, just dont be sloppy Except the borg machine heals you t… Dec 30, 2014 · I normally win my malf rounds, IIRC I dunked the crew so dam hard once admins had to tell me to go delta because I reduced the time to less than 120 seconds. Dec 30, 2014 · General SS13 Chat. Add the ability to add fires into rooms and remove gravity gg so quick. Malf AI is enabled roundstart o… Dec 18, 2016 · or change the fire-proofing thing (does this even do anything?) to protect against EMPs. It is also currently test merged. Hiding bodies in lockers is powergaming because it makes it harder for people to find evidence against then and ma… Feb 18, 2023 · Hello everyone, Yeah this another policy discussion about silicons joy So this policy Thread is about roboticist making one or more ais for no reason other than lolz ! Why is it bad: -It ruins the gameplay of the main AI(Robbing the main AI of thei… Jun 12, 2024 · AI modules are located in the AI Upload, and can be made from the circuit imprinters in Research and Development and the Robotics Lab. I do not believe in any capacity this strategy could be used in good faith and I see innocent players being killed over metas forming around the strategy. org Mar 7, 2022 · In a recent round a Malf AI (Not myself) was told not to use "Play to win" tactics to accomplish their objective. You can choose to play with this restriction or not, but where I take issue is when you choose not to play in a way that specifically detracts from everyone el… May 2, 2014 · I killed the whole server with it, resulting in a successful restart vote. Apc's being crowbarred open is clear indication that it's been… Aug 9, 2021 · rule -1 be a good sport Oct 14, 2023 · A few days ago, I took a posibrain role during a malf AI round. When you think about it, with the proposed new CPU mechanic, APCs are even more critical to the AI. However, they neglected to actually change my… Aug 9, 2021 · Get converted, F1, and ghost until a replacement option has been automatically made. To use an AI module, you must first find either an AI Upload or Cyborg Upload. A whole bunch of people could still be fooled (forever tcomms screwing) by moving it but some wouldn't be engaging in a game of cups kilometers apart. I always thought that station-wide bolt shocking would be quite powerful as it hinders everyone without gloves and tools. When dealing with a rogue or malfunctioning AI, this chamber is useless to halt the AI's actions (as it only has to follow its law zero). Add a counter to hiding… Mar 7, 2022 · To borrow your own comparison from the Manuel discord, I see this interaction as less similar to an antagonist buying soap to clean up the evidence of their crimes, and closer to an antagonist finding out that if they perform a specific set of actions… Apr 29, 2014 · mrpain wrote:This might have been addressed already, but lets say a borg slaved to a rogue or malf ai is somehow killed or blown and his MMI is on the floor. Mar 7, 2022 · For No Reason! You can ask for a beepsky horde. Jul 8, 2024 · Done correctly, Atmosia should be pumping good air just faster than it's lost, and draining bad air away as fast as the traitors can set it on fire or alternatively draining good air away as fast as a malf' AI can siphon it. Plus the hacking mechanic gives a nice balance between risk and reward. Some changes may not be logged (or logged after some time) as they are experimental and need testing and secrecy before being public. Are you saying "me being able to antag roll is a good reason to re-enable it"? Mar 7, 2022 · In a recent round a Malf AI (Not myself) was told not to use "Play to win" tactics to accomplish their objective. Redirect to: Guide to malfunction; Aug 9, 2021 · I am telling you to just F1 and ghost after conversion so you can be offered up as a converted borg as to not cuck the AI which I think is a fair ask for people not interested in continuing the round. I messed up really badly. Any chum(p) with a crowbar can flip down that APC, and many would. So you're the massive computer system with near total control Nanotrasen has foolishly released onto their latest research station. I dont particularly like that. >they crack through the wall >you have upgraded turrets >chemist throws one EMP >zeros the whole core, including you, the APC, pingsky, any borg(s), a… Dec 1, 2014 · I am still playing with the idea of cutting the starting CPU of Malf AIs to 50, then awarding the AI more CPU based on the number of APCs it has. By default, AI Upload is only accessible by the HoP, RD and Captain. Watch hilarity? Move all beacons to the toxins burn chamber. This is why Malfs using the 'move the core' strategy have their borgs space the thing. I remember multiple rounds with several clientless… From /tg/station 13 Wiki (Redirected from Malf AI) Redirect page. You sho… Dec 18, 2023 · Closed Policy Discussion. Useful if you don't want to go loud as a malf AI. Anything else I could say has been said already. Bolt all of the doors except teleporter. With forty players. 22 posts • Page 1 of 11 of 1 Mar 7, 2022 · I was the admin who made the call to request (No note was applied) that the malf AI player in question not repeat their tactic of crowbarring open hacked APCs to hide their hacked status from onlookers and people who might stumble onto them. I remember multiple rounds with several clientless… Aug 9, 2021 · I am said doofus. Extended and Secret Extended "Thanks to the tireless efforts of our security and intelligence divisions, there are currently no credible threats to Space Station 13. Aug 7, 2022 · the fact that malf AI only works as an antag if there's a laundry list of rules saying "you can/cannot do X Y and Z because what if its malf AI and you fuck them over immediately by doing so" means malf AI needs fixed on a design level, but that can't happen until all the training wheels are removed Aug 9, 2021 · Is there any policy on this. Head out the station to the ai and dismantle the walls to reach him, you can then either build walls with girders you push into the room to block lasers or use the old reliable of metal foam grenades. Normally pu… /tg/Station 13 Mar 7, 2022 · Quick links. Typicall… Mar 7, 2022 · With the mention of it being a Sprite Issue That Is Intended To Still Show Up, I assume the reason for the bwoink is the same thing as the Changeling MMI Test. APCs mysteriously have enough processing ability to maintain a sapient computer, and are key to gaining c… Aug 9, 2021 · Any rule that forces people to play when they don't want to is a bad rule. rolebanned people will just go t… Dec 18, 2023 · I think this is one of those policy and code gray zones where there's not going to be a great compromise without code solutions. The AI has cameras pretty much everywhere, and they can see through walls and darkness, although the latter does make it more difficult. You can summon them to a specific location, and you can also override safety protocols, stealthily emagging the robot. . jqayhw qzrwrz qqxtht wlxvy zff ofgac vfjgbit twngrjl pjlyqsn hxvk