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Death anxiety reddit. I have never experienced something like this before.

  1. If you’d like a brute force approach I personally did psychedelics growing up and I got to experience what death is like (probably). I am terrified of death and the void the unexplainable nothing that awaits everything. But what has really triggered my death anxiety is having kids and loving them so much . I'm working through it best I can (including therapy). I hate having this type of anxiety because I have no clue what to do about it, or what would help. Death anxiety was a most horrible state when I was in my late teens. I've enjoyed it overall. I developed panic attacks and anxiety (aside from my early childhood ones) at 14, unrelated to death tho, and later they stopped. You truly just have to accept that with life comes death - it's what makes it special and beautiful. For the last six months, it hasn't been so bad. I usually can get through weeks without having anxiety attacks but for the past week or so it's been every night of paralyzing anxiety when I think about death. My blood circulation was being cut by a rubber band to the head and heavy exercise (I was like 10 and some of my teachers were really stupid and I too ignorant). Realizations that worked for me, but likely won't work for everyone. It became so physical that one day I realized I was killing myself living with the physical symptoms. However, it's a double-edged sword. While it’s natural to feel anxious about death from time to time, thanatophobia is an anxiety disorder that can disrupt every aspect of your life. You are describing your fear of death as a phobia, so unfortunately your anxiety is too Sep 2, 2020 · 1. Anxiety about what happens after death So yesterday I was reading through a buzzfeed article on people’s experiences in a coma and for some reason that made me think of death and the afterlife. Anxiety regarding death has increased tenfold, even in people who didn’t have anxiety before Covid. It can be a person continuing a relationship they are unhappy with, not moving into a career they want to, having friendships that are not reciprocal, not engaging in meaningful activity, in a role that is doing harm to the planet or people and therefore getting morally injured, not being happy with a living We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Study "The data show that psilocybin produced large and significant decreases in clinician-rated and self-rated measures of depression, anxiety or mood disturbance, and increases in measures of quality of life, life Apr 20, 2022 · It’s possible for a specific event or experience to trigger thanatophobia. You feel as if you must constantly research and read everything you can about death and the afterlife. Existential death anxiety is known to be the most powerful form of death anxiety. Initially, research was helpful, but if all you're doing is reading about anxiety, it can reinforce the idea that it's an insurmountable issue. I know I’m not old or anywhere near a natural death, but the fear has taken over my life. Most people with anxiety disorders do better with therapy (CBT) than with medicine, and some are successful with self-help based on CBT. Yes, my death anxiety is the cause for my health anxiety. In other words, I know my path to victory: I need to let death anxiety go and not let it interfere with me living my life. My worst nightmare is to be on my deathbed and still vehemently refuse to die (of course I will, anyway). The answer to death anxiety being within you isn't the worst death anxiety and if true is temporary. about the world and how our brain processes things and how we are made of atoms and that freaks me out so bad. I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that nothing will get rid of death anxiety. I spent countless hours scouring Reddit, self-help books, YouTube videos, and online forums. i also used to use substances to try to about my feelings, but found that it didn’t help much. I am sorry you are suffering. Too much anxiety and you won’t be able to enjoy life. It's not about death anxiety. This is the worst I have felt in my entire life. When I didn't, I wondered how that could be. After years of constant worry, I chose to confront my fears by accepting death. Im currently waiting for results and I have breakdowns everyday anticipating to worst. Some people say it's temporary, only in youth or just a single period of time even, but I'm inclined to believe my death anxiety shall prevail longer. true. It’s all started when I was consuming alcohol regularly to ease my anxiety, I think at some point I almost became an alcoholic until it got my anxiety worse and my panic attacks worse, I stopped drinking completely about a month ago but now, the usual anxiety I had is back and my thoughts has been spiralling all over the place, I get those random senses of hopelessnesses and impending doom i know your situation! i was just recently diagnosed with anxiety and it’s been a journey. I feel the void and its scary knowing that its there waiting. I follow them bc I want to feel less alone . She used to fear death a lot, but she doesn't worry about it anymore. If your brain has a default setting to 'have anxiety ' if you overcome the death fear, the anxiety will find itself a new subject and do it all over. this is the way of humanity. One second you are fine, a millisecond later you are gone. We will all be faced with death and sickness and things we can't control because it's just a part of life. I'm 28 and I am dealing with the same issue. I have been dealing with an intense, constant fear of dying for the past few months, and it is getting to the point where I can hardly function… Throughout diagnosis and surgery and chemo I kinda avoided thinking about death, but now that I'm officially done with treatment, I have had a lot of time to process everything and I've had major death anxiety start to kick in. Death is coming, but death is not in you now. One thing that gives me hope of there being a way to survive death (under a naturalist worldview) is if an array of neurons somehow appear after a finite time in the exact same way at the moment of death it might mean being able to experince stuff after I "die" (I got this idea from Donald Davidson's Swampman). . Your heart beats, your mind surges, your breath sings like a choir of angels. But other anxiety posts . It adapts to the very safeguards my mind has placed. I read a book called After by Bruce Greyson. You are never going to recover sitting around thinking about anxiety, talking about anxiety, researching anxiety and making anxiety the forefront of your day all day every day. I am constantly worrying that myself or one of my loved ones is going to die. Just kinda fear of what happens after death, what happens during the process, what that all means about life. Many people gravitate toward spirituality to seek religious-like understandings without the ideological constraints of institutional religion. I (23M) have been struggling with death anxiety for weeks. The whole world has seen so much sickness and death during the pandemic. Anxiety about your kids is driving you to be the best parent you can be. gg/r-anxiety | Please look over the rules before posting to the subreddit Members Online I think they are going to diagnose me with leukemia or hiv aids Here, we discuss such things as personal transformation, the meaning of life, death, and moments of clarity. Death anxiety is driving you to eat healthy, don’t take stupid risks, and most importantly to LIVE. Existential death anxiety stems from the basic knowledge that human life must end. Let's consider the fear of slipping on the ice. And I know thinking about death anxiety is inherently self-defeating: to cope with death is to enjoy life, and death anxiety is anathema to it. Don’t be afraid to talk to a healthcare provider about your fears. As long as it's not overwhelming your life in a negative way, thinking about death can be helpful. But for me when my death anxiety was at its worst (right around your age) it turned out, after speaking with therapists and clinicians, that it was just anxiety manifesting in a particular way at that point in my life. One benefit of having smartphones is you can find apps that lead you through breathing exercises, mindfulness, guided relaxation, sleep sounds, mood journals. Recoiling away from death as it comes to us is completely useless and it makes us spend whatever time we have left fearing something we will never Most people with anxiety disorders do better with therapy (CBT) than with medicine, and some are successful with self-help based on CBT. After his death, that's all my anxiety is. I can show you some CBT self-help but first I want to say that recently there has been very impressive evidence for therapeutic breathing. What if im the only real person? I've always had anxiety, specifically OCD which is hell on earth. I am 25 now, and while the episodes of waking from a dead sleep in paralyzingly fear have mostly waned, I do still get massive anxiety about it. Turns out that removing triggers wouldn't be all that helpful. Maybe you weren’t referring to the lead up to death but after death itself, in which I say “yeah, but we still don’t know that either. Anxiety about money is driving you to find a job. It’s like I wrote this my self . Make plans, travel, enjoy your hobbies, and make memories. I'm doing better, but I don't think I'll ever be the same. When we have a lot of anxiety, it puts worrisome thoughts into our heads. Untill i finally had a bad SVT episode and went to the hospital and they saw i have WPW(wolff parkinsons white). It began due to stresses in my life and some family passing last year in both mine and my girlfriend’s life. Because at the end of the day, everyone dies, it's a part of life - you can't run away or avoid death. Not necessarily death itself but what happens after. I just want help. Offer a theory, share an opinion, or pose a question about (almost) any serious or heavier topics you can think of. For the past three or so months i have been having this awful sort of death anxiety. I couldn't sleep. I don't get how other people are so content not caring about their end. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, fears it greatly upon arrival. Unless you live under a rock, you can’t escape hearing about it, so if you already had death anxiety, it follows that you’d think about it even more these days. I can assume death is pretty similar Death can seem daunting, but as an inevitability it is one of the only constants in the universe. Normally I would just have to take deep breathes to calm myself down, but recently i’ve been fearing about my heart rate increasing, which Then i went through a loss that had a big impact on me and now i can’t stop fearing death. Treat anxiety like a pair of sunglasses and look through it. Scenarios where after death im just a mind in darkness with noone cursed to just think. My daughter has generalized anxiety, OCD, and depression. I had really bad anxiety that week and the next. I have trouble getting it out of my head and really need help! Honestly, I feel the exact same way. Death anxiety is a huge motivator though for most people. I havent found a surefire way to shake it, but I usually just take a walk around the block or have a conversation with someone and it helps take my mind off of it for a little while. I’ve suffered from health anxiety for many years. Beliefs can be changed, but knowing is in your bones. I’d say these are all pretty spot on and again you don’t need to have all of them, I’d also like to add as a sufferer of over a decade it is really an obsession, I find it gets mislabelled as ‘hypochondria’ quite a lot and while both mean someone to has a tendency to worry about health, hypochondria is more so when your actually ill Thanks for opening up. my doctor gave me lexapro for it and it doesn’t seem to really be working i’m not sure though. For the last few days, I've found myself having extreme anxiety in regards to death. These are things that have brought me to a level of acceptance when the inevitable occurs. Your anxiety gets ten times worse when you look at a skeptics opinion. i am constantly afraid of sudden death. I have recently come to to the conclusion that I have death anxiety OCD. My mom says I used to have panic attacks about flood warnings. There used to be a free online course that I think has been turned into a book now, Free Yourself from Death Anxiety by Rachel Menzies. wow, it's like i wrote this. You go through book after book after article after article. You need to get the fuck OFF these downers, which may be easier said than done, as you are likely totally reliant on them by now, and tackle the situation head on. One of the main things that these shrooms do is help with death anxiety. I kind of think death will be peaceful and it doesn't scare me like it used to. I mean I understand what everyone's saying death IS scary and yeah I still think death isn't fun to think about but for me feeling like this was 100% a symptom of feeling anxious and depressed and what helped was basically the same as any other anxiety and depression which for me is 1) force yourself to do things 2) CBT 3) medication. If there is no life after death, you’d just know nothing, I guess. gg/r-anxiety | Please look over the rules before posting to the subreddit Members Online It really does get better Worries about dying or losing a loved one are a normal part of life, but if your thoughts about death (or dying) are extremely distressing, time-consuming, or stop you from doing important things, you might be experiencing death anxiety. [22] It is said that language has created the basis for existential death anxiety through communicative and behavioral changes. The answer to permanent death fear isn't necessarily permanent because they're doing well with the technology to give us indefinite life extension, a first step towards physical immortality. Desperately. You’re starting to have anxiety attacks and it feels never-ending. I'll end by saying that in my early 20s I had a huge existential crisis too. . But, I’ve also learned that there’s periods of time in life where the anxiety is less present, and I think it has to do with the way my thoughts, feelings and behaviors are occupied. A fear of death can also be at the root of many other phobias like: You are certainly not alone. Except for death anxiety, nothing really bothered me. I put this fear aside for a few years. For example tonight I have taken my medication for anxiety and sleep (propranolol and trazodone) and can’t sleep because I feel this impending doom and anxiety about death. At that time, I developed an intense health anxiety (specifically cancer) anxiety coupled with a fear of dying. They can let go of all of the instincts like fear, stress and worry. Alright, here it is! There's more info at the link but tldr please fill out this survey about your death anxiety experience so we can learn more… We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. And while I did have a few sparse health fears, that was not on my mind really. Religion helps the ego deal with the certainty of death so read some religious texts, I’d recommend Buddhism as it is more straight forward in its four noble truths. A restriction of sexual activity in a community is quite generally accompanied by an increase of anxiety about life and of fear of death In my reading of Freud the fear of death is indeed a secondary phenomenon which derives its hold from how it gets bound up with themes of sexuality and guilt, whereas the fundamental horror is castration. I get a cold shock of fear through my body trying to comprehend the fact that it is inevitable that I will die one day, and that day is moving closer and closer. Your comment touched me, as I am really struggling with health anxiety and symptoms that align with a serious illness. I forced myself to start taking exercise classes and get out of the house to socialize. I assume most people once they become aware of death and their own mortality feel some amount of anxiety about death. It catches up to me when I least expect. Or maybe this is a simulation making none of my loved ones real. I need help coping with death. I believe my anxiety was rooted in fears of health issues like strokes or heart attacks. I had a few rough episodes when my health anxiety first developed about 4 years ago, and this thread provided me with a lot of help when it was at its worst. This is extremely strange to me as this hasn't happened in about 3 years, which is around the time my spiritual awakening began. Death is eventually meant to be peaceful because it’s the time to truly let go and rest peacefully. Each living second is a riot, a rebellion against death. Anytime I have ever brought up the idea of death, peoples expression and attitude quickly changes. i’ve seen a therapist for a few years and i feel like i just don’t know Death has been one of my biggest concerns because it is the only thing 1) out of my control and 2) inevitable. I suffer from really severe health & death anxiety after finding my 21year old friend dead about 3 years ago. I became a hypochondriac, had poor sleep, and everything that once had meaning lost focus. Not necessarily the death of others, but my own. hopping on the “i know this was 2 years ago bandwagon” but, i too (21M) live a daily challenging life of being totally fine one minute to ohgodohfuck. "assuring someone who has health anxiety that they will eventually die exacerbates the anxiety" This is exactly my point. I’m still afraid of death too, but the roundabout solutions of “taking your mind off it” or “getting therapy” do not solve the problem that’s giving you anxiety. I (22F) have had anxiety my whole life. And as someone who joked about death, dying, and in general being cynical about life the fact that I am now absolutely petrified of death is so strange for me. Death anxiety is a part of the human condition and in my opinion it’s why religions exist, because most people can’t handle it. I am 22 and having extreme death anxiety and panic attacks. Witness someone having a difficult or painful death. The disturbance is not better explained by another medical disorder (e. Something in your mind and body chemistry is out of balance, and your fear of getting ill and dying is the result of that imbalance. A few months ago me and my friends did some shrooms. Part of the anxiety waning has been aging, as many have said, you just grow out of it. So I've definitely been there, being awake at 4am googling sleep apnea symptoms, or if a heart attack can kill you in your sleep, and setting alarms every 2 hours to make sure I was still alive. In fact, its rare. And the thought of not exsisting makes me scared to death. Sometimes anxiety covers something else. Since a very young age i was diagnosed with anxiety and the root cause of it is the fear of death. Because i was young, they never bothered to do cardiac checks. I’ve often wondered what it would be like if your mechanism of death was so instantaneous that you were not aware of happening. First things first: yes, your death anxiety is part of your health anxiety, which is part of anxiety-related issues in general. Look it up. and yet, death (of your body, and your egoic mind) is inevitable. It’s called ego death. My whole life doctors told me i was having anxiety. If you continue to have panic attack, see a therapist, probably for CBT because you need to face your fears regarding your health anxiety and death anxiety. There are times when I have a full blown anxiety attack just thinking about it. The anecdotes gave me some peace and calm because near death experiences made people more selfless and less fearful of death. I have death anxiety and recently my antidepressants hiked up my anxiety so bad that thoughts about death sent me into panic attacks, I've had 2 at work. I ended up freaking out so much that I ended up coming to grips with death and would actually settle and be okay with it, if I stayed up long enough throughout the night. Death is sad and tragic but you can celebrate the person's life. Thoughts of me and/or my family dying, fear of the unknown (what happens after death), just general fear and anxiety about it. I got really disillusioned with therapy a few years ago but I think it’s worth a shot again. I'm obsessed with death now. I begin to think. I won’t go too much into detail about everything but one day when I was a young girl, maybe 12 or so, I couldn’t stop thinking about death and it scared me to the point where I had a panic attack. a. So, all of my life has been really good. I have severe death anxiety. Discussion and support for sufferers and loved ones with anxiety conditions | discord. Hi Im 22 years old and I have been suffering from really bad death anxiety for the past 2 months or so and I just can’t seem to find any comfort anywhere I go to find answers, I know that we won’t know what it’s like until we get there but I would like some hope that I/ we have souls and we do depart this vessel and go to a spiritual world where we can live for eternity, but I think it Fear of death is the pyschological root of all anxiety. Yeah, anxiety is super strange bc I haven’t had bad death anxiety in a while (used to have it constant since I was a kid) and lately my anxiety has just been so heightened and constant that I realized the other day that part was coming back. Through scientific logic you can conclude your “self” will be gone after death. I have never experienced something like this before. Health anxiety has ruined me, even when I thought I couldn't feel any more broken. Your fixation on death can be a wonderful gift, as death can gift glaring contrast to that which is important and that which isn’t. In the scientific view of death, I’ve wondered if religion might be the way to bring greater peace for my death anxiety. I can’t be alone with my mind or else I start thinking about death and eternity and start panicking. People made fun of me for it. So on and off I have bouts of death anxiety, generally I think about the most at night. Meditate on it, think about it, research it, come to a philosophy until you no longer fear. My dad was always around to help me deal with it though. I thought I was dying cause either would get lumps in my throat, heart racing, shortness of breath and tell myself I'm dying on a certain date. Yes! This is just what I was about to ask on here! I watched video about a Reddit post discussing death and it triggered me into some kind of anxiety/depressive episode. I’m just so tired by the constant anxiety and uncontrollable compulsions tied to it it’s awful. Older people tend to fear death less. Lose a parent or loved one. I lost 50 pounds. It was so so bad. I’ll take in breaths as deep as i can just to be sure my lungs are still up and running as well. Maybe it can give you different perspective. In the past year, I've been mostly free from anxiety and panic attacks. I have so many intrusive thoughts and anxiety about death that I no longer sleep at night. If this fear persists too much longer I’d talk to a therapist and a psych. It learns. She has a new fear or compulsion every couple of months. Yes, I know death is inevitable and this is my only chance at life but that doesn't really help. I feel like I constantly need to work to keep the thoughts away. Lately I’ve been having death anxiety about mass shootings (which i also had a dream about) and I’m slowly getting over it as time goes by, but during my sleep i was vibrating and then I saw myself holding my ears and the plane exploded and it felt real. i’m working on getting set up with a therapist this month. And then everything made sense. The remedy is to REALLY live. Without a Horizon (that being death) our lives would have no meaning. I honestly don't think it can help you but I'd like to share my thoughts. The course was really helpful (combo of exposure therapy, CBT, and Stoic philosophy). g. When you talk to a theist about losing their faith that's almost always the thing that terrifies them the most. It can be brought on by ADHD, medications, or comorbid anxiety. Specifically school shooting posts . i could have one single thought of death and i’ll spiral down a rabbit hole of intrusive thoughts and panic. r/SeriousConversation is a subreddit for in-depth discussion. Right now, the reason the thought of their death scares you is because there's something your brain is trying to warn you about / call attention to which is still within your power. Said the person who isn’t dying right now. Are there much cases of verified near death experiences, or scientific studies? And I understand it's hard to study scientifically. I’m now 21 and i’ve been having nearly panic attacks about it every day for the past two weeks. Not saying that you do. I just want to die in a peaceful, pain free manner and I don't want to be placed into a home and have to force my family to care for me. Anxiety is a false threat robbing you of your time on this planet. She studies death anxiety and the connection to disorders like OCD. Your brain does not typically do this for things you are prepared for and cannot control. If I could pass while holding on to a strong personal belief in the faith I’d surely have great peace in my final moments due to belief in an afterlife. Awareness of my own mortality (and the brevity of life in general) has become a force for urgency and goodness in my life. gg/r-anxiety | Please look over the rules before posting to the subreddit Members Online West-Beginning-6818 Anxiety can be useful. But panic came back when I was 18, along with my fear of death, multiplied. Every anxiety-related chest pain I had was SURELY going to be a heart attack. 134 votes, 115 comments. Anxiety (not social anxiety or some other form of it but specifically this existential dread) is the mood which will give you the inspiration to push yourself forward into a reality you usually would not be able to create. a lot of mornings i wake up with an existential dread that sometimes goes away, but sometimes it doesn’t. Yes yes yes yes yes. Death anxiety is anxiety caused by thoughts of one's own death, and is also known as thanatophobia (fear of death). Have any of you gone through extreme bouts of death anxiety when you were younger, but have since come to accept that you will one day die? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I'm not scared of dying - I'm scared of not enjoying and living a good life. I go through ups and downs of feeling really happy and fine, to obsessing and having panic attacks. I'm just sick of the anxiety because I want to become more spiritual but I really want to feel comforted in my beliefs by understanding there are reliable studies into consciousness and an afterlife. Now I want to be able to do and see things. There is no single, widely-agreed definition of spirituality. I’m so happy you are doing better and totally relate to anxiety spiking after losing your faith, same exact thing happened to me when I was 13/14 Welcome to r/DeathPositive, a place to feel no shame in indulging your interest in the history of death, how different cultures handle death, working in death and death-related industries, and your own (ever-changing) relationship to mortality. Such an intense worry and feeling of impending doom. Nothing that has like hours of reading though, since I’m currently in medical school and that would be tough. This would be the most painful situation imaginable, but at least I would have shed my death anxiety. A subreddit devoted to the field of Future(s) Studies and evidence-based speculation about the development of humanity, technology, and civilization. It is awesome that you've already stumbled on this issue though; working through it completely can be one of the most life-changing things you can do. My health anxiety stems from the fear of death and suffering, even though I know death is inevitable. And when I say I have had constant panic attacks for the past couple of weeks I mean that. It will eventually retreat. Remember, death happens to all and it's not like you are being singled out. i have a physically demanding job and a lot of responsibilities so stress is probably the number one reason for I get crippling anxiety about death, and have since I can remember. Lately, within the past 8 months, I've had much less death anxiety than before. During the month that I was taking those pills, I had some realizations about death that removed my anxiety. I realized the thought that death would be like an endless void was all wrong. When death comes itll be as if nothing ever happened, so why waste the precious time you have left worrying about how much time you have left? Of course it's natural but its counter productive. I barely ate, it triggered my IBS and I was terrified to fall asleep. I can't wait for you to beat this theme. Long story short: I had a panic attack which caused me to have extreme philosophical breakthroughs which I can’t hardly grasp now, but I can’t stop being terrified of thoughts of consciousness, existence as a whole, and especially the idea of death; the fact I don’t know what comes father and the fact it’s for eternity. Fear of death is a very common thing, and it´s sort of a byproduct of how our brains tend to function. It's relieving once you accept death. In my own experience, I've fainted and stopped breathing, I was seconds away for it to be a permanent death, so it might as well count as death. i have trouble sleeping bc i fear i’m going to die in my sleep. I also take xanax for panic/anxiety attacks, which I have about 3-5 every month. This doesn't mean being reckless, but rather acknowledging that any pain might be significant. I kept thinking I would die in my early 20s, but after experiencing some near-death situations, I became desensitized and no longer have that anxiety but i do wish i die early sometimes when i am suffering tho i am not suicidal at all Apr 20, 2022 · Thanatophobia is an intense fear of death or the dying process. You might think this would be the opposite, but this pattern has been found time and time again in research studies. I’m constantly convinced i’m ‘dying’, for example, constantly checking for my heart beat to be sure my heart is still going. I constantly search for the answer to curb my anxiety but every couple of months I get very nihilistic and go “These clothes I wear are nothing when i’m gone, my sensory issues are nothing when i’m gone, why should I care about my meltdowns if it’s temporary and they won’t I believe what helped me was breathing through the anxiety. But whats worse is i cant stop imagining worse scenarios. So I’m think the weed event caused you enough stress and anxiety to possibly cause that. I believe in reincarnation but there’s no evidence to support that. The sister sub of r/CasualConversation. A few days later a tragic death haplend wirh one of my classmates. Meditating with anxiety will probably just result in you trying to suppress the thoughts & cause you to get even more caught up in your mind. [1] Individuals affected by this kind of anxiety experience challenges and adversities in many aspects of their lives. For instance, you may develop death anxiety if you: Have a traumatic experience related to death or dying. I used to obsess over my age because I was closer to death each year that went by. Friends thought i was having anxiety. [19] Anxiety about the climate is driving you to reduce waste and vote. Anxiety about death is often a sign people are not living the life they want to. Thankfully my Psychiatrist has prescribed me a new antidepressant and anti-anxiety meds. You deserve to get clear on what is knowable, and there is a lot more to it then what you have outlined. , anxiety or worry about having panic attacks in panic disorder, negative evaluation in social anxiety disorder/social phobia, contamination or other obsessions in obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation from attachment figures in separation anxiety disorder, reminders It’s all started when I was consuming alcohol regularly to ease my anxiety, I think at some point I almost became an alcoholic until it got my anxiety worse and my panic attacks worse, I stopped drinking completely about a month ago but now, the usual anxiety I had is back and my thoughts has been spiralling all over the place, I get those random senses of hopelessnesses and impending doom I have come to learn I am not alone in this experience. The anxiety will still be there, but it’s not nearly as intense. Rumination anxiety is sometimes best treated by medication (I’m my own example) Since yesterday, my anxiety over death has picked up. It sounds like you probably have an issue, and seeking out help is the best thing you I am not scared of a sudden death or something but I am EXTREMELY anxious of dying and nothing happening after it! It can’t be just this! How can life be only one life and done?! Makes no sense. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Death anxiety is likely why myths of the afterlife were made up in the first place. I have known 30+ people die (over 70s) since I started a year and a half ago and I'm not yet 20. I can’t imagine going into a void and there being Discussion and support for sufferers and loved ones with anxiety conditions | discord. one thing that i have found though Just found this post since i googlede ocd and death anxiety! I’ve been wondering for years if these thoughts that i have is some kind of OCD. Approximately 6 months ago I started experiencing some strange GI symptoms that were super worrisome. im 18 years old and it's gotten to the point where i have my mom sleep in my apartment with me (in a different state) most nights because im just too scared that im going to die, or suddenly be near death. The serious side of Reddit. Rediscover your faith if you believe in life after death. Ive been dealing with health and death anxiety for years and now its so bad that just hearing some specific triggering words or an ambulance will send me into this spiral of thoughts that i cannot stop. gg/r-anxiety | Please look over the rules before posting to the subreddit Members Online Mental-Juggernaut314 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Death is horrid. Let me prove the latter point. What should I do for extreme death anxiety? I’m open to workbooks and any type of therapy insurance would cover. At least those that aren’t super drugged up. Her previous fear and compulsions often go away when a new one is added. Recently got back on reddit, and thought I would revisit and drop some things that have helped me manage over the years. So when you are in bed, do not go into sleep like you are running from the day into the shadow of death. But if there is an afterlife you’d know it. [2] I eventually delved into extensive research about anxiety. Our health anxiety has deep roots such as fear of death or fear of things we can't control. Would probably prefer a combo. closed the subreddit in Going out is hard. People here may recommend a philosophical solution which may well be appropriate. I feel helpless and alone. gg/r-anxiety | Please look over the rules before posting to the subreddit Members Online Big-Organization6522 It got so bad, I finally went to see a doctor who prescribed some anxiety medication. There’s no evidence that there’s no life after death too but STILL! My death anxiety is prevailing like some kind of disease. I work in a nursing home and death is a weekly occurrence. The time before I was born wasn’t bad. Same, I had death anxiety about two years ago and was truly convinced I would die that year. Here is an NPR fresh air interview that's worth a listen. My gf is a critical care surgeon. Too little anxiety and you could take risks that kill you. My death anxiety has gotten triggered by Reddit post too . But when I say the death rumination was bad for me, I mean I experienced ego-death. You're always going to be aware of death to some degree and for some of us, we are forced to cycle through the intrusive thoughts constantly. oudtc rhbrxfn jogg rffxv drtrm lmifito kseqiqn onmtmi ajavc miqlc